Monday, July 15, 2013


Lately, I’ve been disappointed and concerned at how many clients tell me their physicians “refuse to accept” their Thermography as valid. I’ve been told their doctor said they would no longer treat them if they choose a non-traditional option for their breast health; like Thermography.

Now, I realize our traditional medical community is ambivalent towards the Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging technology available. Many of you have often heard me defend these physicians on their position. After all, they are only humans who only have so many hours in a day to absorb more information. That being said, I have been wondering when our “choice as a patient” took a backseat to “pleasing our physician”?

This year, approximately 226,000 women will be diagnosed with, and over 40,000 women will die of a form of breast cancer. With statistics like these one would think every member of the medical community would take a positive stance on any and all technology that assists women in their breast health.

There are two realities here that need to be realized; first, women are interested in, and seeking alternatives to the traditional breast screenings available; second, many women seeking Thermography are most likely NOT participating in traditional screenings. 

Although any good Certified Clinical Thermographer would never teach Thermography as the only screening needed for your breast health, because we strongly believe in a combination of screenings, its validity should not be overlooked simply because a physician is not educated on the technology. These two realities are realized daily in my office by the number of women who opt to receive Thermography, as an out-of-pocket expense with no insurance reimbursement.

I personally would like to see physicians applaud their patients who do their own research and find alternatives when they are not comfortable with a suggested test. That does not mean they have to agree with their choice, just respect it. If a patient is not comfortable, they are not going to undergo what is being recommended, which means they are doing nothing. Anyone who knows me, reads my blogs, attends my presentations or sees me as a client knows my motto: DO SOMETHING, BECAUSE DOING NOTHING IS NOT ACCEPTABLE!

Whether you choose Thermography, Mammography, Ultrasound, or a combination of all these… get that screen. You owe it to your loved ones, your friends, and most importantly, yourself.

If you would like additional information on Thermography or breast health in general please visit our website at; or call us at 615-934-3121.

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