Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Thermography…A “SMART” choice that's not just for GIRLS!...

Whenever I sit down to write a blog it’s always a challenge to think of what people actually want to read about. Since that’s a subjective thought, I find writing about my client’s comments or questions is always a good start. Usually the second question people ask when they inquire about our services is “will Thermography benefit my husband?”. 
Lately, I have had an increase in the number of men who are seeking Thermography, not just because some woman in their lives sent them kicking and screaming; they are actually discovering this health alternative through their own research. 
People who are aware of Thermography often associate it only with women’s breast health. That’s sort of its ‘claim to fame” if you will. That’s been one of the more misinterpreted perceptions of Thermography.  The science behind Thermography is the visualization of vascular activity within our bodies, or increased heat. Yes, it’s pain-free (no smooshing!); radiation free; safe, however, with its predictive ability, it’s also “smart”.
I’m finding more men are becoming attuned to their own health issues, whether it’s digestive, circulatory, muscular, unexplained/relieved pain, etc., men (as well as women) are interested in getting to the bottom these issues. 
The predictive ability of Thermography allows us to visualize potential issues in their infancy, thus permitting us to explore something as simple as diet and life style changes to head off potential future issues; or explore alternative options for issues that are identified as needing immediate intervention because they were left unidentified for so long. 
One of the more surprising results from a recent scan I performed was on a 24 year old man. He was entering a professional sports arena, and I was asked to perform a full-body scan (yes, his mother drug to me!). As a result of the Thermographic scan on this “young, perfectly healthy” man, it was identified he had blockages in both carotid arteries! As you can image, for an athlete, that could have been a death sentence. As a result of this discovery or prediction, he was able to start a simple lifestyle change and an aspirin or angiotensin enzyme program. He returned 90-days later and the blockages were almost totally eliminated!
I hope this starts you thinking of the many ways Thermography can help you and your family members, no matter age or gender. If you’d like more information on what type of predictive results Thermography can provide for you please feel free to visit our website at or call us at 615-934-3121

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