Thursday, May 10, 2012

THERMOGRAPHY: It’s not just for breasts anymore!

Although many who are learning about Thermography are doing so for their own breast health; the truth is Thermography is beneficial for the whole body. Whether you are having chronic headaches; belly pain; leg pain or hammer toe, Thermography can be used on one small individual area, to larger areas such as your half-body to your entire body from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head.  If you’re bald that is, after all, our equipment doesn’t have x-ray vision…remember, we don’t use radiation!
Thermography is a highly effective tool for detecting and monitoring a number of diseases and physical injuries by showing the thermal abnormalities present in the body.
If you’ve got a pain; we’ll get a picture of it! Thermography is the ONLY method available for visualizing your pain.
Throughout your body, Thermography is used for diagnosis and prognosis, as well as monitoring therapy progress for conditions and injuries. A “few” of the condition Thermography can be used to identify: arthritis, diabetes potential, stroke potential, nerve damage, vascular disease, fibromyalgia, skin cancer, and many more. Whether your pain is acute or chronic, Thermography can help you and your healthcare professional find the best course of treatment; then follow the results!
The number of men who are receiving full-body thermography in my clinic is growing every month. This is exciting news. Whether these men are coming voluntarily or at the insistence of the women in their lives really doesn’t matter. What matters is Thermography is becoming valuable on a broad basis across the sexes.
Call to learn more about the benefits of full-body Thermography, 615-934-3121. If you’re a reader instead of a talker visit our website at and read for yourself.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

THERMOGRAPHY AND INSURANCE COVERAGE: Don’t we all enjoy spending more money for lesser results?...NOT!

THERMOGRAPHY AND INSURANCE COVERAGE: Don’t we all enjoy spending more money for lesser results?...NOT!

There is one question that comes up, almost without exception.

Question: “Will my insurance cover Thermography”?

Answer: No. Unfortunately, insurance coverage is not readily accepted by insurance carriers.

This is unfortunate for not only us, as subscribers, but for the carriers. The concept of Thermography and its ability to provide a much earlier detection for a myriad of health issues, not simply breast cancer, would provide the added financial aspect to their bottom lines.

And as we all know, their bottom line is generally their main concern. By the acceptance of Thermography for screenings carriers would be able to save substantial costs in unnecessary treatments and aftercare.

After all, Thermography is all about early detection and providing opportunities for early intervention. One of the suggestions I have for anyone seeking and/or receiving Thermography is to contact your carrier. Ask for Thermography. Submit your bills for reimbursement. If you’re turned down, ask for reconsideration. Thermography is here and it’s growing in popularity and not going away. The more times a carrier has it put in front of them, the more they have to begin looking at it as a screening women want.

Insurance carriers are a lot like our significant others; we have to tell them what we want…It’s up to us!

Please forward to your friends and family who need to know about Thermography. Contact me for more information:

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


IMPLANTS AND FIBROUS BREAST SAFETY WITH THERMOGRAPHY…Let’s see; radiation, compression, pain vs. no radiation, no compression, and no pain? Hmmm…

Today I’d like to talk about the safety of receiving Thermography. I get many questions pertaining to the safety aspects of Thermography. Below are the two most common questions.

Question: “Is Thermography safe for women with breast implants?”

Answer: “YES”. Women with implants should be very excited to receive Thermography. This technology works with no contact so there is no risk of your implants being damaged from compression. And, you get an added benefit in having the integrity of your implants checked. 

Question: “I have been told I have fibrous breasts, will Thermography work for me?”

Answer: “YES”. Thermography is an excellent option for women who have been told they have fibrous breasts. This basically means “lumpy”. The reason this is such a good option is often times mammography is not able to differentiate between fibrous breasts and tumorous breasts. When women get asked to return time and time again for “repeat mammograms” it is often because of the “shadows” that fibrous tissue presents with on mammographic images. That’s one of the beauties of Thermography; this technology cannot make something appear in your image that isn’t there.

The reality is Thermography is safe for everyone who received it. Thermography provides no radiation exposure; no pain; works without compression; identifies inflammatory breast cancer; identifies fibrocystic breast disease, cysts and tumors; creates opportunities for early intervention.

Please log in tomorrow for more…

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


WHAT’S UP DOC? Do you want to know why they haven’t you told you about this safe, pain-free screening option?

I for one have no idea! This is the start of my new blog. In my submissions I am going to provide the most asked questions about Thermography; and their answers.

As Thermography is becoming more recognized and requested I see a pattern of repeated questions. For those of you who are just becoming familiar with Thermography, I welcome you to the ever growing community of people who are taking control of their own healthcare; and our options.

Question: “How do I get a referral for Thermography?”

 Answer: You don’t NEED a referral for Thermography

Question: “What do I do if my physician won’t give me information to receive Thermography?”

Answer: Find it yourself.  If you’re in the middle Tennessee area, you call me at 615-934-3121 to get answers to your questions and schedule your Thermography. You can also e-mail me:, let me know when you’d like to schedule and I will get back to you the same day. If you’re outside my area you go to or to locate a reputable certified Thermographer in your area. It’s just that simple.

Unfortunately, we have been programmed to believe our primary healthcare providers have all the answers to our healthcare needs and we should never stray from their opinions or recommendations. The problem with this obedient behavior is, we often get put into the physicians’ box of knowledge and therefore don’t look for alternatives, and receive the same remedies as everyone else in the practice.

That being said, I also think we as adults have to take some of the responsibility for allowing this behavior to be pushed upon us. Our healthcare providers are only human and they can only know what they are taught and exposed to. With the future of our healthcare system being uncertain, it’s time we start educating our practitioners, and bring them alternatives available to help them, help us.

Please log in tomorrow for more…