Tuesday, May 8, 2012

THERMOGRAPHY AND INSURANCE COVERAGE: Don’t we all enjoy spending more money for lesser results?...NOT!

THERMOGRAPHY AND INSURANCE COVERAGE: Don’t we all enjoy spending more money for lesser results?...NOT!

There is one question that comes up, almost without exception.

Question: “Will my insurance cover Thermography”?

Answer: No. Unfortunately, insurance coverage is not readily accepted by insurance carriers.

This is unfortunate for not only us, as subscribers, but for the carriers. The concept of Thermography and its ability to provide a much earlier detection for a myriad of health issues, not simply breast cancer, would provide the added financial aspect to their bottom lines.

And as we all know, their bottom line is generally their main concern. By the acceptance of Thermography for screenings carriers would be able to save substantial costs in unnecessary treatments and aftercare.

After all, Thermography is all about early detection and providing opportunities for early intervention. One of the suggestions I have for anyone seeking and/or receiving Thermography is to contact your carrier. Ask for Thermography. Submit your bills for reimbursement. If you’re turned down, ask for reconsideration. Thermography is here and it’s growing in popularity and not going away. The more times a carrier has it put in front of them, the more they have to begin looking at it as a screening women want.

Insurance carriers are a lot like our significant others; we have to tell them what we want…It’s up to us!

Please forward to your friends and family who need to know about Thermography. Contact me for more information: victoria@thermomidtn.com

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